Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chapter 7 response

This semester, I’ve been going with my cooperating teacher to her meetings with the SST committee. Not entirely sure what SST stands for but its where teachers present their students that they see as needing testing and extra help. The teacher identifies the students with problem areas and bring them to the meeting. The members of the committee come up with strategies to use with the student to try and resolve the issues and if those behaviors do not work, then the student is referred for testing to identify some other problem. They’re not only behavioral issues but also academic issues. The reading that we did for this month really made me think about this SST referral process and the behavior system in the school.

You definitely see that the school wide behavior system is being enforced in the classrooms and it is a very uniform system. While in the meetings, the members are constantly asking, what level do they behave on most of the time, are there any special behavior contracts that you are using and so on and I think that it is really great that they can have that conversation and EVERYONE in the room knows what a student that acts on a level B 50% of the time means. This is one of the reasons that I like our schools discipline system.

I feel like with each reading we are doing all we talk about is this discipline without stress book and since all three of us are in the school, I feel like we might all have the same ideas… SOOO – here’s a question for you guys about the reading/school discipline strategies: do you think it is effective?

I think that the students tend to get bored with the reflections and simply fill them out to fill them out. The students that are going to end up writing them are more than likely going to write more than one and I think that they eventually get to the point of “ok here’s another one, let me write down what they want me to say.” Does this really set up a system that benefits the students and a system that they can learn from?? I don’t know… I think you make arguments for it being beneficial and not beneficial so what do you guys think?